self loading concrete mixer aimix

Why Self Loading Concrete Mixers Are So Popular

Self-loading concrete mixers have gained popularity in the construction industry due to several reasons. Here are some key factors contributing to their popularity:

Efficiency and Time-Saving

Self-loading concrete mixers are designed to combine the functions of a concrete mixer truck and a loader. They have a built-in loading bucket that allows operators to load materials (such as aggregates, cement, and water) directly into the self loading concrete mixer. This eliminates the need for separate loading equipment, saving time and increasing productivity on construction sites.

self loading mixer factory


Self-loading concrete mixers are versatile machines that can handle a wide range of concrete mixing tasks. They can produce different types and volumes of concrete, making them suitable for various construction projects, including residential, commercial, and infrastructure. Their flexibility allows operators to adjust the mixing ratios and discharge the desired amount of concrete as needed.

Characteristics Of Self Loading Concrete Mixers

Mobility and Maneuverability

Self-loading concrete mixers are designed to be mobile and easily transportable. They are equipped with wheels or a compact chassis, allowing them to move around construction sites or even on public roads. Their compact size and maneuverability enable operators to access narrow or confined spaces, making them ideal for urban construction projects.

AS-4.0 self loading mixer

User-Friendly Operation

Self-loading concrete mixers are designed with user-friendly controls and interfaces. They often feature automated systems that simplify the mixing process, such as electronic weighing systems, water flow meters, and programmable settings. Operators with basic training can quickly learn to operate the self loading concrete mixer with pump efficiently.

Cost Savings

By eliminating the need for additional equipment, self-loading concrete mixers can help reduce costs associated with labor, machinery, and transportation. They also minimize wastage of materials since operators can precisely control the mixing ratios and produce the required amount of concrete. These cost savings make them an attractive choice for construction companies of all sizes.

Improved Concrete Quality

Self-loading concrete mixers ensure consistent and high-quality concrete production. The integration of a loading bucket allows operators to directly control the proportion of materials, ensuring accurate mixing ratios. This results in a more uniform and homogenous concrete mix, which enhances the strength and durability of the final structure.

Reduced Dependency on Manual Labor

Self-loading concrete mixers reduce the reliance on manual labor for material handling and mixing. With the capabilities of self loading mixer, fewer workers are required to operate and manage the concrete production process. This helps address labor shortages and increases overall efficiency on construction sites.

So how many models are available? Go ahead.

AS-5.5 self loading mixer

Models Of AIMIX Self Loading Concrete Mixers

AIMIX offers a range of self-loading concrete mixers with various capacities to suit your project needs. The capacities of self loading mixer typically range from 1.2 cubic meters to 6.5 cubic meters. These versatile machines are designed to handle different batch sizes, making them suitable for both small and large construction projects. And the most popular type is AS-3.5, here show you a page, you can learn more cases about AS-3.5 type self loading concrete mixer.


Choose the ideal capacity to enhance efficiency and productivity on your site.

In summary, self-loading concrete mixers have gained popularity in the construction industry due to their efficiency, versatility, mobility, user-friendly operation, cost savings, and improved concrete quality. These machines offer significant advantages in terms of time savings, productivity, and resource optimization, making them a preferred choice for construction projects worldwide.